FCPA Facebook Resources

The FCPA Facebook presence is intended to help further our mission of promoting advocacy, collaboration, and education within the Florida cleft and craniofacial community. Whether you are just starting your journey or have experienced the journey for many years, we are happy to have you and hope you will take advantage of two FCPA Facebook resources.

FCPA Facebook Page

The Florida Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association public Facebook page is open to everyone, allowing all viewers the opportunity to stay up to date on the cleft teams of Florida and also to share information about the upcoming FCPA annual meeting that will be held June 22, 2024. 

Private FCPA Facebook Family Group

The Florida Cleft Palate – Craniofacial Association Family Group is a private Facebook group that is open only to cleft and craniofacial patients, family members of those patients, and support teams. Its primary goal is to help connect Florida cleft patients and their families by sharing stories, concerns, and advice with those who truly understand.

FCPA Family Support

We know the journey of cleft and craniofacial is a long and at times scary one, but the FCPA is here for you every step of the way. We offer collaboration, research, specialized techniques, and above all else, concern and empathy. All of the cleft teams of the FCPA are accredited with the American Cleft Palate Association, and they focus on treating the patient as a whole, not just obtaining excellent cosmetic outcomes.

For questions about how to join the FCPA Facebook Group, feel free to contact us by email.

FCPA Facebook Group